Miseric Horde
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I ship to AU and UK, so I expect my items to be listed in marketplace at AU and UK sites. When I browse through all 308 items in Oil Painting category at AU site, I can't find my items. However, if I search by keywords of my items, I can find them. The strange thing is, if I navigate from Homepage of the site to the Oil Painting category, I get 308 items. After I sort items by price, the number of items changes into 3481, and then my items are there. I noticed the URL formats of navigating and sorting are different. It seems the two URLs are working on different sets of items. The same problem also happens to UK site. Does ECRATER do it on purpose for some reasons or is it a bug? I wrote to ECRATER but got no response, so I post my question here to find some help or answers.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

Vendor Management Software Example

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